Health Office
It is important to protect the health of students from risk posed by infectious diseases that transmitted within the school setting. Your child may be excluded from school in accordance with California Education Code section 48210-48214 and section 49451.
“Whenever there is a reason to believe that the child is suffering a recognized contagious or infectious disease, he/she shall be sent home and shall not be permitted to return until the school authorities are satisfied that any contagious disease does not exist.”
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has any of the following symptoms:
- Common cold: Keep home during period of productive cough and yellow or green nasal discharge
- Fever (over 100 degrees): in some children, a lower temperature represents a fever. Please keep your child home for 24 hours after a fever without the aid of Tylenol or Advil)
- Eyes that are red, swollen, crusting or draining
- Untreated, draining ears or earache
- Diarrhea
- Nausea or vomiting (if the pupil has vomited the night before or in the morning, please DO NOT send pupil to school)
- Severe sore throat
- Skin rashes of unknown origin or contagious rash requires a clearance from a health care provider that student may return to school.
If a student is at school with any of the above, the parent/guardian will be called to pick up the student. Under certain circumstances, the parent may be asked to consult a health care provider (HCP) and to provide a written note from a HCP indicating that the student may return to school.
Parents of Incoming Kindergarteners
To make sure your child is ready for school, California recommends that your child have an oral health assessment (dental check-up).
Medication at School
If you have a student who will have medication at school, please make sure that we have the correct Medication Consent form for the current school year. This applies to prescribed and over-the-counter medication. Please make sure that all of these guidelines have been met before bringing medication in:
- Students name must be on the box or bottle (keep label attached for prescription meds)
- Medication must match exactly to what the doctor’s orders say
- The consent form must be signed and stamped by the doctor, and signed by the parent/guardian
- We cannot accept expired medication, please check the date before sending it in
Update Medical Conditions
Please remember to update any health condition changes when you register your student in ParentVue/Synergy. This information does not carry over from the previous year and it's vital to keep us informed in case of emergencies. While you're in there, please update emergency contacts and phone numbers if anything has changed.
Thank you!
Health Services Assistant, Vintage Hills Elementary
All health forms can be found on the Pleasanton Unified School District Health Services website.