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Drop-Off & Pick-Up

As cars line up along Concord Street and approach the school, you have two options; vehicles may enter the One-way Parking Lot Loop by turning right into our lot or pulling directly forward into the Loading Zone along the sidewalk in front of Vintage Hills Elementary on Concord Street (school side only). Those heading down Concord St. intending to make a left are not allowed to enter the loop.

  • Upon entering the One-way Parking Lot Loop or Loading Zone on Concord Street, proceed forward as far as possible to an available space along the curb. After unloading or loading of passengers, vehicles may pull to the left through-lane to move forward to exit the One-way Parking Lot Loop.
  • Vehicles will alternate when merging into one lane past the crosswalk.
  • Right turn only when exiting the parking lot.
  • Do not get out of your vehicle to assist your students.
  • Parents wishing to walk their student(s) on campus may park in the available parking within the One-way Parking Lot Loop area, or on the nearby streets but may not pull out of spaces during the 15 before or after school. Do not back out of parking spaces at 8:05-8:20 a.m. and 2:55-3:10 p.m.
  • When crossing the parking lot or any street, please use the designated crosswalks.
  • School crossing guards are placed at the crosswalks at the intersections of Concord & Kottinger, Concord & Touriga, and Concord & Grillo Court. The guards’ duty is to direct pedestrians to cross as traffic permits and then escort the children across the street. Parents and students are asked to adhere to the crossing guard’s directions.

Concord Street Loading Zone Dropoff

The sidewalk in front of the Vintage Hills parking lot, running along the school side of Concord Street, is a Passenger Loading Only Zone. Cars need to pull forward into this zone and students should safely and quickly exit the vehicle toward the curb. Please do not get out of your car to assist your student or have your child exit toward the street





No parking on Concord Street between 7:30 and 10 a.m.




No parking on Concord Street between 2:30 and 3:30 p.m.



Bicycle, Skate and Scooter Safety

Bicycle riders should observe traffic safety rules. Bicycle helmets are required. Students cannot ride bikes, scooters, or skateboards inside the school driveway. We will not store scooters, skateboards or bikes in the office.