Principal's Message
Dear Vintage Hills Community,
I am thrilled to have the honor of being your new principal at Vintage Hills Elementary. I have joined a dedicated and talented staff where we are united in our goal to build a school community in which we all develop as responsible, respectful, caring citizens, inspired by a love of learning. We all believe in educating the whole child academically, physically, socially, and emotionally in a safe and nurturing environment.
My work in public schools began over 30 years ago. I have worked as an elementary general education teacher, an elementary site reading and administrative support teacher, a district level interventionist and instructional coach supporting grades K-8. Most recently, for the past three years, I was the vice principal at Donlon Elementary School.
On a personal note, I have been a proud member of the Pleasanton community since 1998 where my son and daughter attended PUSD schools Kindergarten through graduation. I am a grandparent with five grandchildren and one more due this year! My oldest granddaughter begins Kindergarten this year and I love experiencing school through her eyes. I am always learning new things!
I look forward to meeting you all and working together so our students can flourish. I encourage you to get involved at your child’s school. There are many opportunities that require varied amounts of commitment and time and utilize different skills. Please consider joining PTA, Schools Smarts, the English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) or School Site Council (SCC) or volunteering. Our students succeed because of us working together.
In partnership,
Ms. Carole Stothers